October 2024 Itinerary with mobility limitations

I actually [posted an itinerary on here 3 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/JapanTravel/comments/jqokrv/itinerary_for_hopefully_next_october/). We never got to Japan due to some health issues which have unfortunately, limited my mobility permanently. I’ve revised my initial itinerary with my new capabilities in mind, but I still have some questions and would love some feedback.

Some background:

* Physical capabilities – We’re both in our early thirties. I wear a foot/leg brace (AFO). I can stand and walk with a cane, but I can’t walk/stand more than 10 minutes before needing to sit down. I’m also slow and tire very easily which means I’ll need a decent break at least every hour. I do plan on using an electric wheelchair on most days. My husband also has a horrible back so needs frequent breaks as well.
* Hotels – We plan on staying in Kyoto for the first few days, then one night near Mt Fuji, about a week in Shinjuku, and then a few nights on the monorail loop for our Disney days. We hope to get hotels attached to or really close to the main stations to help cut down on walking.
* Interests – Huge food lovers, anime, disney, pokemon, sanrio and all the cute things

Day 1&2 – Travel and arrive in Osaka (hopefully around late afternoon). Travel to Kyoto. Check into hotel and settle in. Hopefully staying at the Hotel Granvia Kyoto

Day 3 – Fishimi Inari Shrine, Zenrin-ji Temple, Philosophers path

Day 4 – Kiyomizu-dera, Gion, Nishiki Market

Day 5 – Nara, Osaka castle grounds, and Dotombori

Day 6 – Travel to Kawaguichiko. Check into hotel. Maybe see Chureito Pagoda but otherwise relax and onsen.

Day 7 – Travel to Tokyo. Check in and explore Shinjuku and/or Shibuya. Hopefully staying at the Odakyu Hotel Century Southern Tower Hotel or Shinjuku Prince Hotel. Will spend some more time in these neighborhoods in the evenings of our lighter days if we’re up for it.

Day 8 – Asakusa & Akihabara

Day 9 – Harajuku & Meji Shrine

Day 10 – Tsukiji Outer Fish Market, Pokemon Cafe, explore around Tokyo Station. May try to squeeze in teamLab Borderless here as well…or maybe on Day 12.

Day 11- Puroland

Day 12 – Ghibli Museum

Day 13 – TBD (Letting my husband do whatever he wants)

Day 14 – Move hotels to around Disney and rest day. Hopefully staying at the Hilton or the Toy Story hotel)

Day 15,16,17 – Disney

Day 18 – Travel home


**Some specific questions**

1. Our anniversary will happen while we’re in Tokyo. Anyone have any recommendations for a fancier/special dinner?
2. Does anyone know about Chureito Pagoda accessibility? It sounds like there’s some accessible road up to it but I’m having trouble finding specific details about it.
3. I’ve seen the suggestion to use taxis instead of public transit if traveling with limited mobility. I’d rather not do taxis because of the costs, but are there any places in particular that would really cut down on walking by using a taxi instead of public transport?
4. What can I do if I need to get somewhere that won’t fit my chair? For example, if there’s a tight shop I want to go in to, is there a place I can park my chair while I shop in there?
5. Similarly, are there any places you would advise not using a chair if I can manage? Fishimi Inari and Akihabara were ones I was considering toughing it out at…
6. Do any ambulatory wheelchair users have any general advice? I’ve been looking a lot at accessible-japan and related sites, but would love any first hand experience or stories. My mobility issues have made me %1000 more anxious about this trip.

Thanks in advance!

by TheSquishies

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