Freaking out about VISA renewal

I have been in Japan 12 years, the last 4 or 5 on a spousal visa. I have a 3 year old kid and recently submit my routine visa renewal application.

The thing is, due to health reasons, I spent 6 months of my three year visa abroad. My wife was struggling to deal with my health condition AND taking care of our kid at the same time so after advising with my doctor we decided it was best I stayed with my parents for some time.

It was the right call, my health recovered over time and I came back. Of course, no sacrifice for my family goes unpunished as now immigration wants to know why I stayed 6 months abroad. I feel this was an undue invasion of privacy as I have been here for so long without incident. My wife wrote a thorough explanation AND I submitted a report from my doctor in Japan substantiating it.

I know it should be okay but I just have this innate fear and distrust towards bureaucracy and bureaucrats (based on the fact they have no soul… imho) so I am freaking out.

If I get separated from my family, even if temporarily, because some paper pushed thinks my health is an issue and or my marriage “not real” I do not know how I will cope, this on top of all the health issues I have been facing and beating, in fact.

Am I overreacting? I believe so, just venting… but if anybody has been through anything similar I would love to know.

Cheers guys,

by DismalAccident8239

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