How would you book Shota Uminos Never Title Reign?

Hypothetically if Shota does beat Evil and wins the never title. How should he be booked with the title? For me the never title has not been booked well since Shingo lost it in 2021 to Tana.

For me I think to make Shotas first singles title reign should not only elevate him but also the title. For me this would be his feuds while holding the title.

● Jack Perry: They set it up already and they should do it for the Windy City Riot show.

●Bad dude Tito: Someone new that hasn’t gotten a opportunity to really have a singles match for a title in japan. I think it would be interesting how shota and Tito could be in a new japan ring.

Ishii: You got to have Ishii in the mix. Ishii pinned Shota in WTL and they haven’t done a singles match.

Luke Jacobs: A young talent from Revpro who is a host type like Ishii. Another fresh feud and new talent to have in the mix.

Henare: Henare improved a ton last year and he would be a great candidate to take the title off of Shota.

by DeathTriangle720

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