Using Otoko no ko to refer to a young adult male is that allowed

I was a reading a manga here:\_Shot\_2024-01-18\_at\_10.57.23\_PM.png?ex=65bc6853&is=65a9f353&hm=7cae241b0efef8da7e05ffa994809abe9954ed03d23e4516f6be175247b12035&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=1134&height=952
an wondering can Otoko no ko be used to refer to a young adult male because by then the character they are referring to is 18/19 and I am confused because two others characters who are 18 are referred to as “otoko” which means adult male
So here does it just emphasis he’s young and does not mean he’s literally a child?

by MechanVioHakai

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