JAPANLIFE EMEGENCY MEETING — They’ve come for our Strong Zeroes!!!

Lads and ladies, the day we all feared (but never dared to believe) has come to pass. Steps are being taken to [BAN STRONG ZEROES](https://www.yomiuri.co.jp/economy/20240126-OYT1T50189/), and even reduce them by a full percent of alcohol. Down to 8%!!

Before you giggle, scoff or scroll to the next thread, CONSIDER…who among us has not shared a strong zero after a rough day of teaching, a depressing break-up or as a symbol of friendship? Who has not stood outside a Family Mart or walked through downtown with a mate, sharing a couple Strong Zeroes, and so much more in the process!?!

This is not just an attack on what we drink, it is an attempt to oppress our very way of life. Nothing less than cultural genocide, a push to snuff out our people and the solace we take in our drink,

Suggest that we all meet at the konbini after work today for a few rounds of Strong Zeroes, and a discussion of what steps we’ll be taking to fight this rising menace!

by Shrimp_my_Ride

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