Working Holiday Visa while I’m working for a spanish company remotely


I’m interested about to get this visa and live in Japan while I’m working remotely for my actual spanish company. The Japanese Embassy told me that is possible, because the main purpose of this visa is enjoy your holidays while allows you to get a job to cover expenses… Also I’ve seen other sites that endorse this.

The doubt I have is about incomes. I’ve read in this website that in the moment you leave Japan, you will be taxed at a rate of 20.42% on your earnings: [](


But if I’m paying my spanish taxes this have sense? Besides, with this visa I could be living in Japan without working (if I had enough money ofc) so I don’t understand in what moment they check the origin of your money…


Also I’ve seen that my country arrived at an agreement with Japan to eliminate the double taxation agreement, so that allows me to not pay that tax??


Thanks for your time

by Spektra94

1 comment
  1. working holiday visa is not intended to be used like this. make sure you don’t mention you iwll be doing this in your application or you will be most likely be denied such visa.


    depending on whats your company , how big it is, it could be a liability for them to have you working from japan.

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