Lion dance performance based on Okinawa and Ryukyu karate

Lion dance is a traditional performing art that has been passed down in Sueyoshi-cho, Shuri, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture for 300 years.

The performance was held for the first time in about four years.

A video of a performance based on Ryukyu karate has been uploaded to Youtube. Please take a look!

A lion dance that has been handed down from before the war in Sueyoshi-cho, Shuri, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture. A document following the activities of the preservation society. With a history of more than 250 years, it was designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Naha City in 1990. The male lion of Sueyoshicho uses karate kata as its basic movement.





by Similar_Owl_8977

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