MUFG debit card for online purchase (XBox game pass!)?


Disclaimer: I speak very little useful Japanese or I’d just call the bank perhaps to try to understand (I dno’t think MUFG has much English support), and still may, but I’m hoping somebody here might be able to clear this up for me.

I’m new-ish living in Japan and have a MUFG debit card attached to my account I get paid in.

In the US (and I realize we’re not in the US and things are different many times!) for the most part you can use a debit card like a credit card, e.g. for making an online purchase. I was hoping I could do the same here but when I attempt to add my debit card as a payment method it fails.

Now part of this COULD be the fact that my name is very long, and frankly i have no idea how it’s actually spelled. The MUFG app has my address and name spelled in katakana, but my actual card has a simpler romaji spelling. I tried both.

I’m also not sure if I’m entering the address correctly. It says `町名、番地*` and here I tried entering everything from my town + 1-11-1 (for example), to longer form `town町 1丁目11−1`, etc. Same with `建物名、部屋番号 (省略可)`

Anyway, I guess I’m hoping somebody will just say “nope, you won’t be able to use your debit card for that type of purchase”, then I’ll know to give up until I get around to getting a CC.

p.s. For the record, in the US I would never use a debit card for anything but taking cash out of an ATM, and carefully at that. Everything goes through a rewards CC both for points but also you have more resource in the case of fraud – but I’m in Japan “only” for a year and a half and am not looking to spend a ton of time optimizing my finances here or dealing with CC applications and such, it’s baiscally 99% cash for me, if I have to forgo signing up for XBox Game Pass Ultimate in this region I guess I’ll live with it 🙂

Thank you!!

by kevysaysbenice

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