Suggestions for bow fishing locations?

There are no laws in Japan for bow-fishing. I’m aware of this and I’ve talked to the police and received a cautionary permission to bow fish. Caution being, I have to do it far away from people.

People say carp tastes bad, I’ve never had it tbh, but they look easy to shoot and live in shallow water, so I want to try shooting carp first. I don’t want to kill anything and not eat it. I have no interest in sport fishing or hunting.

Where could I take carp that would be clean enough to eat? They’re all over where I live but… that water don’t look too clean.

I’m open to any other suggestions for types of fish as well.


Please don’t go bow-fishing before talking to your local police. It’s not legal and it’s not illegal. There are no regulations on the books and they since it’s not legally recognized as fishing equipment they CAN arrest you for 凶器携帯 if they want. Talking to them and explaining what you want to do is the best way to go about this imo. I’m going to carry all my equipment in a locked case just to be extra non-threatening.

by kyoto_kinnuku

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