Internet provider with good latency to Europe?


I am soon starting my life in Tokyo and I am thinking about what internet provider to go with. I have a hard time picking since my Japanese still has some ways to go so I can only see what the ones with English support have to offer.

My hobby is gaming, so I care a lot about my ping. I know I won’t have anything bellow 200, but that is still better than some 300 or above because the provider chose to go through the states instead of Asia or something.

Incidentally, a good VPN recommendation for Japan-Europe works too, since I will most probably end up getting one of those also, especially if the company dormitory will already have a contract with a provider and I won’t have a say. (considering Nord VPN for now)

Forgot to mention, but since the main focus is gaming, I am mostly interested in Tokyo-Frankfurt(or at least Germany in general). For some reason all my games have the Europe server there.

I am not an expert at those things so sorry if I will sound dumb at times.

tl;dr: I just want low ping for my Europe accounts. Be it with a provider or with a VPN that reroutes the providers less ideal fiber route.


by Radusili

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