Anyone here still ignores the letters from NHK despite lawsuits being reportedly launched on households?

I haven’t owned a TV during the last 5 years, but my Internet modem is capable of receiving TV channels, a feature that I don’t use at all since I don’t have any display. Japanese TV sucks too, not interested a bit to watch. I keep ignoring the letters from NHK for that reason. After how many unanswered letters do you think they retaliate? 🤔

by franckJPLF

  1. I have never received a letter in the 10 years in Japan.

    However when we were living in Yokohama, we did receive an annual visit from NHK trying to make us sign. We always played the gaijin card, and eventually stopped answering the phone when they became more aggressive.

    We moved more innaka, new house. We do not even have an anthena. NHK ojiisan came around, asked us if we had a TV, we said we are gaijins, we do not have anthena (in very broken japanese), he looked around our roof, laughed and never came back again.

  2. Never gotten a letter. Maybe they still come around? I work afternoon and evenings. My building is also secure. You need to buzz the apartment if you want the lobby door open. Can’t see them trying too hard in those types of residences.

  3. It highly depends on whether or not you have a contract with NHK. If you have and you have been avoiding payment, they can take you to court. If not, then they’ll keep pestering you till you join.

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