How hard is it to find jobs when on a work holiday visa?

First of all, I’m sorry for any mistakes or inconvenience this post may occur…

TLDR: How hard is it to find baito when you solo travel in Japan with a work holiday visa and you speak only little Japanese?

So, pretty much the title… I’m 28, french, and fit all the requirements for a year long work holiday in Japan. I have been thinking of this project for a loooong time now, and I finally feel like I can do it soon.
I will surely travel alone, I speak french (obviously), decent English I think and I’m learning Japanese by myself (but currently still have very little skill in it, I can recognise most hiraganas and katakanas but no kanjis, and know basic sentences and vocabulary). It won’t be the first time I’ll leave for several months for a foreign language speaking country, and I think I can manage myself. I haven’t figured out yet if I want to rent a van there (I know it can be quiet expensive) or if I will be travelling by train/bus and sleeping in hostels.

But my main concern with this project would be about the “work” part. I made some researchs of course, about people who did the same thing as I want to, pretty much in the same conditions: they talked about being a tour guide, a french private teacher, and similar stuff, mainly obtained by merely sending a resume in french. Somehow, I don’t really feel confident about that part, and I feel it will be quiet difficult without any connection there to find any work to be able to continue my journey: even if I have some money now, it will never be enough for a whole year to live on.

If it helps, I am a journalist, and I also have training and professional experience in cooking. I also was a private teacher when I was in university so I feel comfortable with this too.

So here I am, asking you all if you have any advice regarding this subject, any experience you would like to share ? Anything would be interesting and might help ! Thank you very much

by Lunasolaris13

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