Purchasing a Futon, Need Help

Good Morning!

I’ve just moved to Japan. Im looking at furniture options and I’d like to have a Japanese style bed for one of my guest bedrooms.

Now, my bedrooms all have carpet. I was looking at wooden frames for a bed, and then saw all the additional things to get for the bed and got a little overwhelmed. There’s a ton of options and I don’t want to purchase the wrong things.

Of course, I don’t want the bed on the carpet. So a frame is necessary. I saw one raised and one that looks just like pallets on the floor. What are the pros and cons here?

I saw mattresses that go under the futon. They range from 4-7” thickness, and different degrees of soft/hard. I feel like a harder mattress would be better for support. However, some of the diagrams show the mattress going ON TOP of the futon, and some show it going below. There’s also an option for what looks like a western style mattress and you just put the futon over that.

What do I need to purchase? Any recommendations? I only have secondhand stores and DCM near me.

Money isn’t too much of an issue. I’d prefer to buy something nicer if I can because sleep is important to me.

Appreciate the help!

by CruisingandBoozing

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