I made a free card mining tool from downloaded media


I’m a developer and I also study Japanese as a hobby. Recently I found that while immersing, the process of making Anki cards from content I watch takes a lot of time and makes the immersing process very boring. As I couldn’t find a good (free) tool to help me with card mining, I decided to write one:)

Currently mining a card from the shows I watch takes about 30 seconds, compared to the 5 minutes it used to take me. This made immersing much more enjoyable as I don’t need to focus on the tedious part of card mining. I feel that this tool could be helpful to many learners so I decided to share it here.

You can contribute to and download my tool from it’s [github page](https://github.com/Savioor/AnkiMiner). I will say that most likely this tool isn’t as powerful and user friendly as paid alternatives, and you will need to be somewhat comfortable with computers to use it. Of course, the upside is that my tool is 100% free and open source:)

For those interested, here is a usage guide (for the dev version):

1. To run the tool you need to download python 3 and the requirements as listed in the README file.
2. The current main feature is `cmd_miner.py`. Run this file using python3. Make sure Anki is closed when you run it. Also, you will need to create a `config.toml` file – you can just copy the `example.toml` file and edit the values in it.
3. You will be prompted to choose a video, then English subs, then Japanese subs. English subs can be extracted with (the free tool) `mkvextract` and Japanese subs can be downloaded from [here](https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F).
4. Now you are ready to mine cards! Write a timestamp and you will be prompted to choose the relevant Japanese and English subs from the timestamp.
5. Then you type a word, it’s spelling and it’s meaning. After that the miner does all the work.
6. You will be shown a short summary of the card so you could confirm or abort the operation. After you mined one card you can repeat the process!

by savioor

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