[Slow News Day] Tokyo Teaches Big Brits How to Eat

[Slow News Day] Tokyo Teaches Big Brits How to Eat

by IagosGame

  1. Some classic misinformation in the story, e.g.:

    >Workers are legally obliged to do a morning exercise session – and have their waists measured by their employers

    >To help combat obesity, the Japanese government broadcasts an exercise class every morning, and it’s the law that workers across the country pause to work out together.

  2. They are morbidly obese and need urgent medical help, not a trip around the world in the spotlight.

    The producers of this show know exactly what they are doing – it is a modern day fat person circus / freak show.

  3. There’s no fucking secret to be discovered

    Just don’t shovel as much shite into your trollop mouth as energy you consume throughout your daily activities (or lack of)

  4. Funny these women complaining about Japanese people supposedly staring at them while they are walking down the street. Meanwhile they are filming this TV series for people back home in the UK to gawk at them

  5. > In 2008, Western eating habits sparked a rise in obesity in Japan, and the government introduced a law making the employees responsible for monitoring waistlines.

    Ah yes, I remember that year, when everyone gorged themselves on cheeseburgers the size of a baby’s head.

    > Individuals are measured at work and waistlines should be no more than 85cm for males and 90cm for females.

    Dontcha just love it when the _bucho_ gets out the tape measure?

  6. Anyone who has ever read through a Japanese-related subreddit and thought “my god, these people are completely out of touch with the way Japan actually is” should avoid this article like the plague.

  7. It’s a low bar that I am so pumped that these aren’t Americans. But… psyched I am!

  8. > …were left upset by their experience in Tokyo where people stared, pointed and laughed at them.

    Some people will stare, sure. But I have a hard time believing they got pointed and laughed at.

  9. I would have probably stared too, a camera crew with a herd of over weight foreign people would have made me look as well.

  10. Tbh, as a Vietnamese growing up in Dutch society I get their impression too well. I too was plump when growing up, but the Vietnamese side of my acquaintances were heaps more vocal about my health than me Dutch counterparts.

    The comments served as a slow wake-up call, which I initially also perceived as rude.

    I hope that the women come to their senses to not take too much from social pressure, but to actually look at the scientific body/literature and make wiser decisions for their health and longevity.

  11. I’m audibly laughing because this is definitely something you’d see from like early 2000s Japanese television.

  12. „She explained to the group: ‘A lot of Japanese people are very disciplined. We believe that harmony is very important, so that if you are too big and you stand out too much, you kind of destroy the harmony in society in a way.’ „.

    lmao I heard a lot of Japanese mysticism bullshit in my life, but this one probably takes the cake.

    Also I don‘t remember being forced to excercise in Japan. Another bad article by bad western journalist, who report the memes they find on twitter, instead of facts.

  13. Not denying there’s a stigma for obesity in Japan, but all the people staring could be also that there’s cameras following them around. I would be curious myself if I saw three people being followed by these.

  14. This just pisses me off, along with the article I read recently of some ridiculous journalist coming here on one of those package tours (insidejapan I think it was) and doing nothing but complain about everything. The food, the service, the robots, the getting naked in onsen… exhausting.

  15. Going by the pictures, “learning to eat” is the about the last problem these folks have.

  16. With only the headline for context, I don’t think anyone needs to teach these ones how to eat.

  17. I’m fat.

    I’ll travel the world for the secret to not be fat.

    You hurt my feelings and now I’m self conscious.

    Sums up western mentality pretty well, just in the title.

  18. Says “why would you point and laugh at another human being” about Japanese people and then they added laughing to the exercises scene in postproduction. It’s called projection.

  19. Insider hack. If a link says Daily Mail, it’s 100% never worth clicking. Biggest shitrag in the UK.

  20. Sweet Jumpin Jesus! How badly did that mass of corpulent flesh disturb the earth’s rotation and orbit?

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