Shinkansen Machine Combined Base Fare and Super-Express Fare Tickets?


Tldr; summary:

1. Which shinkansen machines in Tokyo Station issue one combined physical ticket that includes both base and supplemental fares?

2. Do these particular machines exclude the screen that includes the “purchase limited express ticket only” CTA button?

Mainly would love to note for next time!


On a recent trip, a small group of us purchased one way shinkansen tickets to Kyoto from Tokyo. We purchased them directly from a machine in Tokyo Station and each of us were issued one combined fare ticket for reserved Nozomi seats.

On the way back, we all accidentally purchased only the Nozomi reserved Super Express supplemental tickets and had to go to a window to add the Basic Fare ticket back to Tokyo. It looks like each one of us just happened to select the “purchase limited express ticket only” button. 😀

I’m not going to address the machine UX in general, but was wondering if there was a specific machine type/company in Tokyo Station we may have used that issues combined tickets by default? I see that EX machines are an extension of the online platform and they issue a combined ticket; can you also purchase tickets directly from an EX machine (without pre-ordering online)? I’ve found screen grabs for each step to purchase from blue and green machines, but can’t find one that goes into detail for EX machine purchase steps, nor any reference to another combined single ticket machine other than “in some situations, the two tickets are combined into a single ticket.”

I’m guessing we purchased the Kyoto-bound single tickets from either EX or a similar company, since I can’t imagine we all would have correctly purchased the first batch if the use case had included the “purchase limited express ticket only” screen.

by Perfect_Distance434

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