Struggling with dropping English polite filler words and phrases

Struggling with dropping English polite filler words and phrases

Ive realized one of my biggest struggles with speaking Japanese is not using polite, indirect English filler words like “Is it alright if I…”, “So i feel as if…”, “Maybe this doesn’t make sense but…”, “I’m not an expert on this but…”, “Is there any way we could…”, “Could I possibly have…”, “Would it make sense if I…?”

These indirect phrases are ways of speaking I use all the time in the workplace or even when talking with friends. I get it’s not the most direct way to communicate information but it does work to show humility and soften the blow when disagreeing with someone or giving advice. Also, just whatever, it feels natural and relaxed to me.

Basically when speaking Japanese its like my brain defaults to these English set phrases and it trips me up. Its like when I ask my teacher how to say something I default to “blank wa nihongo de nan desu ka” but my brain wants to say the equivalent of “Would it make sense if I said blank?”

Does anyone have any advice about getting over this? Is it just more practice? Should I learn more set phrases in Japanese as replacements?


by investoroma

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