In a panic after visiting immigration yesterday…

But not for any visa related issue. Instead I woke up with small itchy bites on my neck and ended up leaving home only to come back in the afternoon and as I was eating lunch I suddenly had many small itchy bites all over my neck, stomach, and back. I think I caught something from immigration or at least from my journey there and I’m panicking. I’m a clean freak/germaphobe. Did anyone hear of any kind of fleas, mites, lice problem in Tokyo or have any advice?

UPDATE: Turns out I was having a delayed allergic reaction to a medication I started a month ago. Wasn’t ideal, but I’ll take that any day over some kinda critter infestation. Though I have a lot of making up to my partner for losing my mind over this. Regardless, we should all be *a little* more cautious of this worldwide bedbug epidemic.

by anatta__

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