Moving to Osaka – Need Place Suggestions

About a month ago, I asked you guys suggestions/reviews of places to move to Osaka. Thank you all for the responses.

[Previous Post](

But apparently, the company changed their minds and decided to move up north of the city, instead of south (as mentioned in my previous post).

The new office will be near [Esaka Station](

Now I need to scout places again, but in the northern area this time.

So here is our situation.

We are about to move to Osaka by next year (March) because of work.

We are currently living in Hiroshima, me, my wife, and my 1 year old daughter. The company that we are currently working at also has an office in Osaka, which will be moving ~~down south~~ up north. (~~Specific location not yet final~~). The information we have is that it will be near [Esaka Station]( Now, we are asked to move to the office in Osaka.

We have been here in Japan for about 5 years. But we have no idea on places to consider since Osaka is a big prefecture.

I was hoping to get your opinions/suggestions/experiences if any of you guys are in the same situation like us.

So here is what we are considering as of now.

1. A safe and quiet area since we have a 1 year old. This maybe our top priority.
2. Accesible to trains for commute to our office.
3. A nursery nearby for the baby.
4. Accesible grocery store.
5. Current budget on apartment is around 60K to 80k yen. But we are hoping to move into a 2LDK apartment because of our baby, so we can play around with the budget.

Thank you in advance!


by KenMastersSenseii

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