Japanese people have a more sensitive sense of smell than others

This is the line I am getting quite tired of hearing, as it gets pulled out a lot around me lately as a way to say “You stink” and I am starting to go crazy cause I have no idea why.

Some context. I’m a foreigner, been in Japan for 3 years. I’m fit and have a pretty balanced diet. I shower every morning and of course wear deodorant, I make sure to dry my clothing outside quickly after washing so it doesn’t become moldy… these are all things I know help prevent stink, but I still constantly get met with people pointing out that I smell, and when I try figure out why, aside from the solutions above, I always get the same line about the Japanese having more sensitive noses than others, and sometimes an additional line about how sometimes foreigners just smell to Japanese people.

Recently I had someone suggest that it might not be me, but the smell of my deodorant itself, so I switched to unscented deodorant at their recommendation just yesterday thinking I have finally solved my problem, only to be met with the fastest “can I suggest to you some deodorant?” I have ever experienced in my life lol.

So, I come to you, dear members of r/japanlife. Has anyone else had this experience? Is there something I’m missing? Am I just gonna need to go all vegetarian from now on? I’ll take any recommendations at this point.

by KakureKite

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