Man Dies at Tokyo Airport With Kilo of Drugs in His Stomach

Man Dies at Tokyo Airport With Kilo of Drugs in His Stomach

by orange_transparent

  1. This happens all over the world every day. Sad to see, but it’s interesting to watch airport security episodes on youtube. Gatwick airport is crazy.

  2. I would say “and what did we learn?” but dead men can’t learn from their mistakes.
    Hopefully a lesson to any other would be drug trafficers.

  3. Luckily, nothing of any value to anyone was lost. Except perhaps the unoccupied seat the mule would have used.

  4. Having watched the 2 episodes about Japan in banged up abroad, it seems the butt way is the only way to not get caught by customs, but the butt way certainly has risks as demonstrated here.

  5. Neither did he. Why should I consider his family if wouldn’t do that himself? I am not the master of his emotions.

  6. he is dead even if he reach his destination. Someone will have to dismember him to get all of that drugs.

  7. That’s fine. Drugs are for losers anyways. Instead of multiple people spiraling down the hole, it’s just one ass head.

  8. > During the study, researchers administered 60 wraps of cocaine totalling 500 grams to an otherwise healthy 29-year-old Polish male to monitor and observe how his body would react to the introduction of so many foreign objects.

    Wow! Why did they have to use real coke?

  9. The moral here is that if you do cocaine or heroin in Japan……. It came from some dude ass!!

  10. Where the hell is “Tokyo international airport”

    There are two international airports. Is that picture even real? Don’t recognise it.

  11. So am I the only person who smh at the absurdity of the police filing charges against a dead man? Am I missing something?

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