Sushi Abomination: Authentic Italian Fusion

My debuting to the world of Sushi abominations 😀

I’ve searched for „pasta sushi“ all over the foodnet but was never able to find something that exceeded some rolled up spaghetti so I thought I’d try this out while keeping it as close as possible to its Japanese counterpart.

Lasagna sheets dyed with squid ink, roasted broccoli risotto (slightly overcooked to reach the appropriate stiffness) and a salmon-mascarpone blend, garnished with a tomato-parmesan cream foam.

Super happy with the result, was quite challenging to make it hold somewhat together but worked out in the end and tasted great! Although I’d recommend to add some crunch for the texture. Like a spring onion tempura or fried spaghetti 😀

by MiMiXiiii

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