What are the games Go, Shoji, or Renju for someone who is native to Japan?

Like what would the terminology for these games be without using the English words Board Games/ Bōdogēmu?

  1. There’s no non-loan word term for Board Game in Japanese. Before the term board game became common Go, Shogi and Renju were just simply “Asobi” or “Game/Play”

  2. The other answer is not correct according to Japanese Wikipedia:

    > ボードゲーム(board game)とは、専用のボード(盤)上で駒(石とも言う)を置いたり、動かしたり、取り除いたりして遊ぶゲームの総称。盤上ゲーム、盤上遊戯とも呼ばれる。また、「ボドゲ」と略されることもある。

    So in short, to avoid English loanwords entirely, 盤上遊戯is the term. It seems likely that this is a calque, or loan translation, but nevertheless.

    Looking it up, this term does see some real-world use. For instance, Amazon lists a book called 盤上遊戯の世界史, or The World History of Board Games.

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