Some of the food I had in a hospital in Japan

I gave birth to my son last month, and here are some of the meals I had in the hospital.

by japanese_work

  1. Yeah I have heard the meals for new moms in Japan are pretty damn nice in most places. 

    They’re hot garbage in the US. 

  2. I count 10 meals in this post.. that means you had at least 3 days in the hospital. US moms leave at 48 hours, even C sections! So jealous.

  3. Oh my lord that looks incredible. I’ve seen hospitals that serve frozen chicken tenders and fries. And Jell-O served over a wilted piece of lettuce.

  4. Congratulations! Many young women in Japan are opting not to have kids so I hear the maternity wards are trying to be luxurious and enticing. The food looks great!

    Did you spend time in the hospital around the New Year’s Day? The third picture looks like the hospital’s attempt on Osechi ryori.

  5. I just *knew* that you had a baby when I saw the meals! I was given Wagyu steak on the day I had my son and couldn’t stomach any of it! Congratulations btw.

  6. Gosh I’m looking at these pics as a uni student and I’ve completely forgotten what a good looking meal looks like

  7. If there is one thing I came to appreciate in my Japan travels that the Japanese have the mass production of good tasty food down to a science.

  8. Here in the US, it’s straight A garbage. I would rather have ikea food than hospital food in the US.

  9. That looks AMAZING!! And congratulations! I’m 20 weeks pregnant in Australia and my midwife told me that if I have a “good birth” I’ll be discharged after six hours!!!!

  10. I was in hospital in Japan for two weeks and my food was no where near this good. Rice and some stew, rice and fish, rice and curry, rice and fried chicken etc for every meal.

  11. Hospitals for women giving birth in Japan have some of the most swankest food you can get. It is a big deal here. This costs a lot of money and isn’t fully covered by insurance here. Most actual hospitals do not have food like this, but hospital food here in Japan is quite nice.

  12. WTF is this gourmet food. When my friend was hospitalized for a couple months his meals mostly comprised of rice porridge + dubious proteins/sides
    Edit: can’t forget the sheer amount of bread they served him, even after he let them know he had celiac’s

  13. My wife gave birth twice in Japan (both c-section) and was kept for a week each time. The food that she had was incredible.

  14. A birthing clinic is not a hospital. You are selling this as something it isn’t. My wife gave birth at a place with a french chef and stayed there for over a week while getting on her feet. That’s the selling point of the clinic. Conversely, I had knee surgery and was denied a proper portion of meatless curry rue.

    I’m not saying the food isn’t interesting, but this isn’t “hospital food” by any stretch of the imagination.

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