Foreigner named in Japanese will – Guidance?

I hope this is the right place (I couldn’t find a sub that looked better fitting, let me know if I should be posting somewhere else).

I moved to Japan 10 years ago and I met a Japanese person who became really close to me. We have no blood relation and are not legally connected in any way: just really good friends. I’m not Japanese.

My friend passed away last year and the direct family started looking at the will now. The Will is not a notarised will but there was a witness. I’m named in the will as the recipient of some assets (so are other non-family people, but I believe I’m the only foreigner in the list). I had no idea there was a will or that my name was on it.

Does anyone know, high level at least, what I need to do to get these assets in my name? Is this something that can be handled by the family or do we need a lawyer? Does this count as an inheritance? How much of a paperwork nightmare am I looking at?

Thank you in advance!

by emc_akira

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