I’m looking for recommendations on Japanese listening practice and lessons available for offline use

Hey everyone, I know that there’s been many posts of a similar nature to this, but I haven’t quite found what I’m looking for with those yet.

To start, I’ve been studying Japanese for about 10 years now, which started with about 4 years of college coursework and then self study after that. I just passed the JLPT N2 (101/180) in December 2023. My goals are: N1, to understand things like news broadcasts, and to get by socially.

I know the go-to recommendation is podcasts, but I haven’t had great experiences with them. In my experience, they start from a very basic level and it’s not clear when or if that level increases. I’ve tried a couple, most recently Learn Japanese with Noriko, and it just didn’t feel like I was getting value from it.

I’m looking for something a bit more robust that is focused on teaching listening skills and vocabulary as opposed to simple listening practice/consumption. (I’m sure I can find the latter in many forms.) My favorite resource has been [DLI FLC GLOSS](https://gloss.dliflc.edu/), which is a government/military produced resource, but I also have Nihongo So Matome N2 Choukai. I’m not crazy about the JLPT prep book, but I can use it offline so I’ll take what I can get.

My job will have me without internet connection for weeks at a time, so I would really like to find some good resources to make use of my time.

Is there any subscription service that you can download lessons and use them offline? Does anyone recommend any specific books/cds for this purpose (JLPT prep or otherwise)? Are there any other major categories? Maybe video lessons? I’m sure there’s a lot of things out there.

I would love to hear any recommendations or input you might have!

by Standing__Menacingly

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