Would like to move but unsure of the best plan

I’ve been wanting to move to Japan for a while now and recently have been trying to lock down the best plan to do so. I was originally planning to get a Child of Japanese National visa and try my luck over there without a job lined up beforehand. The main problem is that my Japanese is more on the basic side so I’m worried I will have trouble finding a decent job over there. For reference I am early 30s and have over 10 years experience in the business IT field, no degree. I’m thinking a good level of Japanese would be needed for this type of work.

I’ve been more recently considering altering this plan a bit. While my plan is still to go with a Child of Japanese visa, I was thinking maybe I should go over and enroll in language school so I can first really focus on my Japanese. Then once I’m finished with that I am hoping I would have a good shot at finding a job and really settling down. Of course with that plan I am also a bit worried about putting my life, career/income on hold for a while to work through language school and am wondering if this is really the way to go for me.

I’ve been trying to do Japanese self-study for the past few years but between the lack of structure from self study and having to focus on a full time job currently, I’ve been kind of slow making progress. That’s a big reason why I’ve been considering language school, since that would give me a structured environment to learn and I would have more time to devote to studying the language.

by Y4ezi

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