What are your thoughts on KaniWani?

Most people here know WaniKani – teaching Kanji via SRS method.

KaniWani, as the name suggests is WaniKani reversed – a “free” (you need WaniKani subscription) site that uses the same SRS algorithm, but instead of reading kanji, you are given an English definition, and you are supposed to give Japanese word as an answer. I think this exercise is called “recall”.

I’ve been using the site for some time, and I am unsure about its usefulness.

One one hand I was astonished of how little of WaniKani vocabulary I can recall. I scored around 50% correct answers, on vocabulary from already “burned” Kanji. Spending time here really did help a lot.

On the other it is another time-sink, for a skill I am not sure is that useful. It is hard to use new words in conversations anyhow. Additionally it is my least favorite learning activity – learning new Kanji or reading NHK news easy is fun. Recalling waves of vocabulary not so much.

What are your thoughts? Do you practice recall?

[Dashboard – KaniWani](https://www.kaniwani.com/)

by Player_One_1

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