Keio University Exchange Programs (KIP vs. JLP)

I’m looking at studying abroad at Keio University in Spring 2023 and I need to pick between the Keio International Program and the Japanese Language Program. I’m leaning towards JLP because my main priority is to learn Japanese, but I also want ample time to make friends, explore Tokyo, turn up, etc. I also want to take classes in Japanese (which I expect to be difficult and time consuming), so I would avoid the JLP if it is too intense.

Unfortunately, there is not much information online about either program so I’m not sure if I’m psyching myself out or not.

Also wondering about the effectiveness of the Japanese classes (For context, I think I could barelyyy pass the N1 if I got lucky. My listening is good, reading is decent, writing and speaking are kinda ass. Based on the course descriptions, I think I would be placed as a 6 at the lowest and an 8 at the lowest.)

Does anyone have any insights or anecdotes? Thanks!

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