Japanese lawmakers’ average income in 2021 fell to ¥22.55 million

Japanese lawmakers’ average income in 2021 fell to ¥22.55 million


  1. They should start to reduce their pay every time they fall asleep while on the job as well.

  2. Keep in mind that the average described in the title is across all political parties.

    Here’s a [Japanese article](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20220704/k10013700781000.html) that lays out the data in an easier-to-understand format.

    Some noteworthy points:

    * The average income of an LDP lawmaker is 25.2 million yen.

    * The average income of lawmakers in all other political parties is below 20 million yen, with the lowest being Reiwa at 17.33 million yen and JCP at 17.41 million yen.

    * Some of the top-earning LDP lawmakers make in the range of 77.15 million yen (Shinoya Ryu) to 1.29 billion(!) yen (Motoe Taichiro).

    * PM Kishida’s income is 28.37 million yen.

  3. Their pay should be tied to increase of GDP per capita, number of babies born, and number of people who votes.

    I bet both my nuts, these problems will be solved in 5 years.

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