Weekly Praise Thread – 19 August 2022

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Taking my kids back home tomorrow, not excited about getting there but will be happy to get back. Took a COVID test out of an abundance of caution and it came back negative

  2. I hit the lottery for tickets for the next Kimetsu no Yaiba musical. I enjoyed the second part I saw last year so I’m really looking forward to it.

    I’m really enjoying watching Koushien this year. I love baseball so hard. I was going to a ballgame on Saturday, but it got rained out. So instead we went to see Licorice Pizza and have Dim Sum at Tim Wo Han. Both were really good.

  3. A couple of things I’ve previously complained about have suddenly been solved, so, credit where it is due:

    – Zoom used to have this horrible “feature” where it would steal focus and cover the middle of the screen with its phone interface any time anyone called you but also any time anyone called any phone line that you can pick up, including co-workers. This is completely incompatible with Japan’s “everyone is connected; everyone can answer everyone else’s phone at any time” standard for offices, and it was driving me crazy (and leading to typos all day as it stole focus in mid-Japanese-word-conversion). Now, thankfully, Zoom Phone has had an update and the focus-stealing only happens when it’s one of the lines you designate as yours. Calls to everybody else’s lines now appear in a smaller, non-focus-stealing tab-sized white rectangle at the top of the screen. (I’d rather not see them at all, but it’s progress.)

    – Another win for Zoom: until now, once a week I had had to come to the office 90 minutes before the regular start time to set a big open space (our “refresh room”) up for a company-wide all hands meeting to be displayed on giant projector screens, on top of the long trek out to that satellite office, necessitating a 5:40 AM wake-up call that day. Now we can watch the meetings on Zoom and I can arrive in time for it to start and watch it that way. I’m not a morning person so this makes me really happy. Not as happy as not having the meeting at all, but once again, it’s progress!

  4. I got a job offer, pay is also around 25% higher than I expected too! I still have multiple interviews scheduled but I think I might save myself the pain and withdraw.

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