How to Override Two Step Verification MUFJ

Hi, I posted in here before but wanted to give it another try with a more specific ask.

I’ve been trying to login to my MUFJ online banking account but it asks for two step verification via call to a Japanese phone number or postcard to a Japanese address– neither of which I have access to because I moved back to the US.

Is there any way to by-pass the two step verification by having them send an email instead? Or even change the phone number/address to one of my friend’s in Japan so they can get the access code and send it to me? I’m assuming that last idea has to be done in person with an ID…

I’m desperate to get into my account and don’t want to wait until next year (2025) to access it in person but I will if that’s the only option.

(also I tried calling the American branch to verify my ID but they said they don’t really have anything to do with the Japanese branch)

Thank you to everyone who is willing to help me out with advice! 🙂

by snowbludd

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