Panic: Spider in my room

I live in a sharehouse.
The sliding mesh door in the balcony was broken a few days back, so I am keeping my balcony open ( a small opening) at night without any mesh.

I found a big spider in my attached bathroom, never seen such ones in my home country.
I searched on the internet, it seems to be a huntsman spider.
I tried killing it with my slipper, but it was damn fast.
Now, it is inside my closet packed with clothes and other things.

There are no brooms in the sharehouse to shoo it away.
I am currently panicking and crying.
I am scared that it will bite me, read on the internet that it is venomous.

Should I contact my sharehouse manager?

Are there any pest control in Japan I can contact to get rid of this spider.
I don’t think I can kill or shoo it myself. I am too scared to do that, I can’t stop crying and panicking.

TL;DR: Live in a sharehouse and there is a huge hunstman spider inside my closet.
I don’t think I can kill or shoo it away since I am panicking and crying. Unable to breathe too, maybe I have a fear of spiders.
Help me. What to do? Whom to contact?

  1. Relax spider bro is just trying to keep the roaches and other annoying insects population down by eating them. Spider bro is your friend.

  2. Burn the house down including ur zairyu card. Bring ur passport and go to ur nearest airport and take the next flight home to find safe space.

    Jk… relax, Ull be ok

  3. Ask other people from your sharehouse to help you , I understand your feelings 🎀

  4. First of all, relax about the venom – their bites can be painful, but you would not be in danger of dying. They are not particularly aggressive, either (their behavior may be different while you are trying to kill them, of course).

    Calling pest control for one huntsman would definitely be overkill.

    To get it out, it’s best to get them with a bowl or bucket, use some cardboard below, and carry them out. If you’d rather not be the one doing it, try to find a friend/neighbor who is more acquainted with these critters.

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