Switching NISA from WealthNavi to other institution


A few years back, I decided to open my NISA account on WealthNavi. I know here people do not recommend such service due to the 1% fee which some will say it’s way too high, but it’s pretty simple and better than doing nothing.

Now, the reason I did that was mainly because even tho I understand the importance of investing and having a portfolio etc, I really do not like this domain at all (the investing/trading etc…) and I want to do to much on it other than the essential. Now, WealthNavi kind of do this but I started informing myself on this new year, and I think it’s kind of possible to have some relatively equal performance, with minimal effort and lower fee.

I am now opening a Rakuten account in the hope to transfer my NISA and maybe start iDeco in the future. For the record, I chose this cause, even tho I have no particular preference out of SBI/Monex/Rakuten and I currently don’t use any services from those providers, they are the one “I know” and might maybe use their card and service from time to time and also apparently the least ugly UI out of them all and have online process to create account and everything else.

Now, assuming this opening goes through I have a few questions.

\- I need to double check with WealthNavi, but basically, I need to send them a request to transfer my Nisa, they would then kind of withdraw my money and I return to the state of “not having any NISA” so I will have to start from this new NISA 2024, and previous fund invested in the past year will “reset” ? (I don’t know if I explain this one properly)

\- For Rakuten, I see that a general rule would be going for the new NISA 2024, max out the **3.6 million** of the first year. Now, I believe in Rakuten you can chose what you invest into, and it’s not automatically handled by a robot, so I heard about eMaxis Slim Total World fund or the eMaxis Slim S&P 500 fund. So, should I basically select those funds and put my whole NISA into this?

\- You should first fill the Growth Quota NISA, and if you get over the limit which I believe is 2.4M/y, then you should switch to the Tsumitate which is 1.2M/y (but with longer spawn) for a total combined of 18M?

\- Yes, I definitely need to educate myself more in this regard… and I will do so in the following weeks following here and some resources online, but basically, doing the above, and maxing yearly this fund is a safe/diversified enough portfolio with some risk but not to crazy? Like I still would like to get some good interest, but I do not want to play with this to much as I really don’t find interest in this.

Thank you and yes, I tried to read around and will keep doing, and I know some questions are covered over a certain extent, but just want to kinda confirm what I understood rather than apply it directly.

Thank you for your help

by Crocsx

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