Canadian JET Tax Review

Hello fellow Canadian JETs,

Did anyone else get reviewed by the CRA? Or has been reviewed in the past?

**According to the letter sent to me I have to provide documents that support the exemption of tax in Canada:**

To support your claim for additional deductions, send us only the information we are asking for that applies to your situation.

Give us a breakdown of the amount you claimed and all your supporting documents.

Income exempt under a tax treaty
If any portion of the amount you claimed is income exempt under a tax treaty, send us official documents showing:
– the source of the exempt income
– the type and amount of the exempt income
– the reason the income is exempt in Canada
– the payer’s name and address
– proof of taxes paid to the foreign country or that the income is exempt from taxes in the foreign country
– a statement from your employer with the number of days spent in Canada
– any other supporting documents**

**Not only that, if we have documents in a foreign language it has to pass certain criteria:**

Document in a foreign language
If any of your documents are in a foreign language, we need a copy of the original documents written in the foreign language with an acceptable English or French translation.

To be acceptable, the signatory’s name has to be printed, in the Latin alphabet, and the translation has to meet one of the following conditions:
– be certified by an official with the authority to administer an oath or solemn declaration (commissioner of oaths, notary public, or lawyer) unless it was done by a translator who is a member in good standing of one of the provincial or territorial organizations of translators and interpreters of Canada
– have the seal and signature of an official from the foreign country’s embassy, high commission, or consulate confirming it is a true translation
– have the signature of a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) confirming it is a true translation
– have a written statement indicating the profession and the signature of a teacher, professor, or a religious leader confirming it is a true translation

**I’m aware there’s a translation on the website for JET Canada:**

But it seems they want some sort of official stamped/signed translation for our document.

So I guess what I’m asking if anyone has experience in this department and knows what to do? Would I need to get anything specific from my BoE or should I just send along the Gensen Choshu-Hyou? Any help would be greatly appreciated, taxes are pretty daunting to me at the moment.

  1. I am also currently under review. I received the notice end of July. Haven’t started the process yet due to personal circumstances.

  2. I DM’d you OP.

    For anyone else in the future reading this, you need to send a certified translated and stamped copy of your Gensen Choshu Hyo. You can’t just send the translation from the JET Canada website (although it may depend on the specific CRA officer’s discretion). You may also need a letter or certificate of participation from CLAIR or a copy of your contract. I would recommend also sending a letter referencing the applicable section of the Japan-Canada tax treaty.

    For BC you can use a translator from the Society of Translators and Interpreters of BC or similar.

    ^(^This ^is ^meant ^as ^general ^information ^only ^and ^is ^not ^legal ^advice)

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