Question about Nisa providers.

I’ve just started my journey with NISA and have been reading numerous posts and consulting with AI. I somewhat understand what NISA is, and it appears to be quite lucrative, affordable, and relatively less volatile compared to cryptocurrencies.

This is my initial plunge, and I’m searching for a reputable provider (or is it broker? I’m not sure of the correct term is).

Bard has recommended these providers, but I’m wondering if anyone else has any recommendations?

For platforms with strong active trading tools:

* Monex NISA: Offers a user-friendly platform with access to a wide range of stocks, ETFs, and options. They also provide research tools and technical analysis to support active trading.
* SBI NISA Direct: Offers a powerful trading platform with advanced charting tools and real-time market data. They also have a large selection of global financial instruments.

For platforms balanced between active and passive investing:

* Rakuten NISA: Provides a user-friendly platform with a good mix of individual stocks and ETFs. They also offer commission-free trading on certain ETFs, making passive investing more affordable.
* GMO Click NISA: Offers a platform with access to both individual stocks and diversified investment trusts. They also have educational resources and research tools to help you make informed investment decisions.

My considerations are:

* Fees: Annual account fees, transaction fees, fund management fees between different providers, etc.
* Investment minimums
* Tools or ease of use.

by gamerfreakish

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