How to report my company to the labor board?

My company is black, and they recently decided to change my department plus my salary is reduced by 3万 all without telling me and also I did not get anything to sign when my department got changed. I also suspect they lied on the documents about my salary to give me my visa in my previous department but I am not sure. Also they make us work on Saturdays sometimes but there is no pay for that from what I heard.
Also in addition to this, after working over 6 months I should have the right to take paid leave but they are not letting me take paid leave next month unless I have a valid reason.
Therefore, if I take a leave then it would be treated as an absence and I would get no pay.

It’s hard for me to physically go to the labor board because its operating hours are usually when I have work and I would return late if I went during my break. Any advice on what to do?

by velvetswitchblade

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