Looking for extension advice of temporary visitor visa! (3 months extending to 6)

Hi everyone, I’m looking for some advice/clarification to do with the tourist extension process and flights with immigration.

I’m from the UK and am looking to live in Japan for 6 months from October 2024. As a British citizen it appears I can stay in Japan for under 6 months without the need for a Visa. I believe the process is that I am granted a 90 day stay when I enter, and then can apply for an additional 90 days at the local immigration bureau.

My main aim of the trip was to attend a language school (Coto Academy, Tokyo) for 4-5 months and then travel for a bit afterwards. My main worry is obviously being told to go home after the 90 days, so I was wondering what the likelihood of the extension is?

Ive also read that I need to show a flight to leave the country before the end of 90 days. A round trip roughly costs £1100 at the moment, I can either have my return flight for within 90 days and face the rescheduling fee of £150 plus fare differences if my extension is successful, or book a cheap flight to South Korea as a fake flight to leave (about £60), and have my round trip for the full 6 months, however this would mean if the extension is unsuccessful, my options are to either face the £150 fee, or do a visa run which I really don’t want to do.

Honestly just looking for anyone’s experiences in extending the tourist stay! 🙂 or whether maybe applying for a proper visa like the working holiday is the right move here.

Many thanks!!


by FootballSpiritual786

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