tips for first time renting apartment in japan

hi all, so on march i will be graduating from japan language school and I have to leave before march for new student to use the dorm and I have so much question

1. what app/website you all use for searching rent?
2. I have budget for 4-5 万 per month in osaka what are my option?
3. my university is nearby Soujiji Station, not much to do there really and I dont know should I live nearby my university or go search for rent in osaka umeda or places near city?
4. what things I should be careful for renting in japan?
5. I also have few heavy item such microwave,oven,rice cooker and bicycle and the cheapest moving company I can find cost around 30.000 万 should I just sell it for cheap and find new one in osaka?

I think that will be it, and advice and tips are hugely appreciated!

by coffeepureee

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