Any good Japanese conversation Youtube channel recommendations? (w/ English subtitles)

Hey everyone,

I have found it very beneficial to watch ‘TAKASHii from Japan’ on Youtube. The interviews with the subtitles in English added manually by the creator at the bottom of the screen (rather than the somewhat confusing ones that autotranslated by youtube), have been great. Was wondering if there is any other content creators doing something similar. Could be podcasts too if they give the subtitles I can follow along with.

Extra points if people don’t talk super fast, I am getting better enough to now get the gist of what is being said, but I feel like once people talk super fast I struggle to break down sentences in my head before the next one has come up.


  1. I personally love Dogen, he makes kinda like skits that are really fun to listen to! Also has subtitles.

  2. Last quarter I took a Japanese Conversation course and we watched some videos that would help us with our listening and natural Japanese skills.

    We watched [あかね的日本語教室]( a lot when we did stuff like going on a train, taking an airplane, going to a cafe, etc. There’s not always English subtitles, but there *are* subtitles so if you can read Japanese it helps a little. We also watched a video on [つなぎ]( (Filler words) that had Akane interviewed and they used a lot more variations of filler words (instead of あの、えっと、etc). It’s a bit harder to watch that video cause there’s no English subtitles, just Japanese and Chinese(?) so it’s probably a video if you want to challenge your comprehension skills.

    We also watched a video on a [Starbucks in Japan running on sign language]( and has fairly easy subtitles in Japanese and is pretty easy to understand the gist of what’s being talked about.

    [MINA LUNA JAPANESE]( is a good one too. I follow them on Instagram but I know they have a YouTube channel so they might have more conversational videos on there too.


    Hope these help!

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