Do European women get treated fairly in Japan?

And I’m mainly referring to the work environment and pay grade. I’m studying for my bachelor’s in Translation now (in The Netherlands) and I’m hoping to get my master’s in a few years. For a very long time I’ve been considering moving to Japan once I finish my education here, but I’m a little worried about how I will get treated at the company I would work for. I’ve read that women in general get paid less than men in Japan and, while that stings, I can accept it. But I also heard that many Japanese look down on foreigners who emigrate to their country, so I’m wondering if I would get paid even *less* because of that. Should I be worried about potential harassment and basically bullying on the work floor because I’m a Dutch woman? Is it plausible that I might get paid €2,000 while a male Japanese co-worker with equal education and experience gets €3,000? So basically: Would I notice a significant difference in treatment?

Any experiences you want to share about this topic would be a great help!

Edit: I have absolutely no idea why this post and my comments are being downvoted. Is my genuine question somehow controversial? 😂

by SakuraFalls12

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