Trip to Tokyo

Hello friends! I’m planning a trip to Tokyo, Japan but this is the first time traveling solo as I just graduated college and wanted to take a break to see the world.

I’ve been to Japan once as a small child (like 2007-2008) but unfortunately I don’t have any immediate family I can have help plan the trip. I have a basic guideline for things I would like to do but any sort of advice and recommendations would be so helpful.

So in general, I was planning to go in May for about 7 days. I was thinking of traveling and spending time in both Kyoto and Tokyo but I wouldn’t mind just staying in Tokyo. I have set aside $5k USD for the trip, excluding the ticket prices but I feel like that’ll be a bit overkill. I can understand Japanese at a fairly passable level but I probably might have some trouble reading and communicating back

Again, any sort of recommendations, advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how to plan this trip so I don’t go at it blind would be amazing! Thank you all in advanced!

Edit: Thanks for all the advice and recommendations! I’ll keep them all in mind! I seriously appreciate it

by IAteMySpacebar_

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