Guidance needed for marriage


I am a male Pakistani national. Heres a quick story, few years ago when I was still a bachelors student in Malaysia. A friend of mine asked me to tutor a Japanese girl in English in my free time, she was supposed to commence her degree after she had reached a certain level of English. So I agreed. We both clicked and my life has been wonderful ever since. I already knew abit of Japanese thats why she felt at ease with me(according to her). We started dating shortly after. Now we are dating for atleast 2.5 years. And I am in UK pursuing my masters degree now. We are doing long distance and manage to visit each other once or (twice if we are lucky) every year by saving up money and travel across the globe. We are really eager to marry eachother and start our life together.

For the record she speaks english very well now but she still doesnt have enough confidence in herself but I still try to give her as much as support and confidence she needs.

Initially we have planned to marry right after we both finish our studies, me with my masters and her with a bachelors degree.

So by that time I’ll be in the UK either searching for a job or had already found a job, she will have gone back to Japan after completing her bachelors degree. I graduate few months before her.

I am planning to propose to her in person and I am confident she will say yes as she has already given me enough hints to understand.

But for marriage I want to find out more information. So that I can be prepared and handle all the short comings without any dissapointments to her and me. As I want to give her a stress free life and take all of her problems and solve them for her.

First option, If I secure a job by that time I can easily go to her in Japan and we can submit the marriage form together with all the necessary documents.

Second option, if I dont manage to secure a job. I save up money to fly her out to UK and we try to submit a marriage form at the Japan Embassy, our main concern is that she will be on tourist visa, I dont know if that will be doable.

Last Option, She submits the marriage certificate alone in Japan and comes to UK to me or vice versa. But we dont want to do the last option because its very sad to submit the form alone and I want to be with her while doing it and see her amazing smile with sparkles in her eyes.

We are in a legitimate relationship and have the pictures and letters for over 2.5 years to prove it.

We BOTH have discussed these options and would like some guidance and advice.

Please dont bash me in the replies as this question is very honest and I do love this girl.

Thank you

by Dangerous_Sir6662

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