Some confusion when applying for J-Find Visa. Hope to get some suggestion here

Recently, I am preparing the documents to apply for J-Find Visa, and I meet some questions when filling the forms downloaded from – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. I hope someone could give some suggestions.

* In *Visa Application Form*,
I need fill the Guarantor or reference, Inviter in Japan. Normally, for other visa it could be travel agency or employer, but for J-Find Visa I don’t go for a travel and I don’t have employer in Japan…. What remark should I fill or I just leave it blank?

* In *Description of intended activities*, I can only make a rough plan and list something like ‘From March to April, attend a job interview at company A and company B’ but after that I cannot tell when and which company I will work for.
* In *curriculum vitae*, I finished my bachelor degree’s dissertation under my mentor’s guidance, so I didn’t get into a lab. And then no information for ‘*研究室(Name of Laboratory)*’ nor’*研究内容(Research proposal/description)*’ in the form…Should I fill my mentor’s name and theme of dissertation, or leave it blank also..
* Also I am confused what ‘*住所(Full address)*’ refers to. In Japanese, I thinks *住所* means where you live, while in English it only says Full address, so maybe refer to the university’s address…

Maybe some questions seem stupid, but J-Find as a new policy, I really cannot find so much information, even local Consulate-General didn’t give a clear feedback (it seems I am the first one applying in the city lol )…Could anyone give some advice? Thanks in advance! : )

by Capable-Yoghurt-7278

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