NJPW Strong Tag Team Championship Tournament Announced!

NJPW Strong Tag Team Championship Tournament Announced!

  1. Huh, that’s interesting, not sure they have enough “proper” teams for that, but they’ll probably make do with makeshift teams, and teams from other companies. Off the top of my head, there’s Isaacs/Nelson, Kratos/Limelight, Nicholls/Haste, Jonah/Tito, Narita/Uemura, two of Fredericks/Coughlin/Connors, DKC/Knight(though they’re Young Lions), two of Bateman/Misterioso/Brown.

    The Good Brothers have been on the show before, Bey/Ace have both joined Bullet Club and are based in the US, could see them as a team. The Riegel Twins were on the show regularly in the first year or so, but they’ve been absent for a while now. We could see David and Brogan Finlay too, though they haven’t teamed yet.

    We’ve also seen the Factory and Midnight Heat on the show recently.

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