Help! Omamori Charm

What to do? I gave an omamori charm to someone as a birthday gift. He didn’t know what it was and he opened it without knowing it shouldn’t be opened. Is it bad? Cause I kept reading online it says it could be bad luck. 🥲 What is the proper thing to do? Any ways to amends on what he did?. I need answers. Thanks!

by Icy_Sympathy_2331

  1. If you decide to go hard on tradition or if the religious belief is important for you, the charm has just been emptied. I am not sure but there’s no “refilling” it as the blessings are part of the making process.

  2. Many Japanese people believe that looking inside an amulet will bring bad luck. However, some people don’t believe in it as a superstition.
    In any case, the contents of the amulet are part of God (Kami), so they should not be treated carelessly.

    If you take good care of it, God (Kami) will be satisfied.

  3. Where did you buy it? The shrine or temple? Maybe there was no ritual done on it anyways if you bought it online.
    I was taught by my grandparents that you need to get a new one each year and dispose the old one at the shrine near New Years.

  4. He will be fine, I did the same and all that happened was getting sick and not having set foot in Japan for nearly 10 years, but hey it’s all coincidence.

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