AEON Bank campaign– 3.0% (pre-tax) on 1 year fixed deposit. Good deal?

Firstly, I’ve been very lax/negligent regarding the best use of my every-growing/still somewhat small savings (almost 7 million yen, after buying a residence). My New Years resolution (again)– get a plan together.

A problem– I’m a US citizen (I hope my “flair” is correct). I’d love to drop everything into a Vanguard account (for example) and forget it, but I don’t have a US bank account or mailing address. Also, umm, I’ve neglected to file taxes since moving overseas. Terrible, yes, but I’ve never earned enough to be liable for payment. Of course I knew long ago that I still needed to file a return (too drunk for too many years; finally sober now). I’ll address that this year as well (any advice on that front welcome).

So then, since NISA is also problematic for me at the moment, is this a good short term idea?



Any/all advice very welcome. Thank you!


by dgtkyo

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