How does tax work when selling furusato nozei gifts?

A friend of mine has a relatively high furusato nozei budget. And after a few years, all those fruits, meats, and what not are starting to lose their appeal. For the next year, he plans to just buy a few gifts and resells them to recover some cold hard cash.

His question is how does tax work when selling those gifts? Are they considered temporary income, does he need to pay tax on the full amount when selling or just on the benefit (if any) he gains over the original price?

Some additional information: he is a full time employee, not an US citizen, and needs to do the 確定申告 by himself anyway. The value of the gifts are also not that high, he plans to buy a few watches that worth around 100k yen each (we calculated this using the “take 30\~40% the value of the donation” rule of thump).

by abcxyz89

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