Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (February 18, 2024)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

by AutoModerator

  1. I am currently watching 舞妓さんちのまかないさん on Netflix, and going into it I already expected to struggle with understanding much. Since the show follows 舞妓 in training, they use pretty specific vocabulary, grammar and expressions that I am not familiar with.

    One thing I hear a lot is the suffix -やす, such as in おいでやす or のぼりやす. I have never heard of this before and couldn’t really find much on Google. What is the meaning of -やす? Does it come from -やすい or is it related to -です?

    Also another thing they say a lot is どす instead of です – is this just Kyoto dialect?

  2. I have flashcards for words, practice hearing and reading daily too.

    But how do I practice the conjugation of the ichidan and godan verbs? I’ve studied them, but now it’s in one ear and out the other.

    As an added bonus – how do I study particles as well? (Similar but not as bad)

  3. Is there a method of representing kanji as sounds?

    I’m looking for a method to turn a kanji into a sequence of sounds – similar to how we can spell out English words, such that knowing the method and knowing the sounds is sufficient to write the kanji.

    Does a system (or something similar) already exist? If so, is it useful in memorizing kanji? I learn best by listening and such a method would greatly benefit my ability to memorize kanji.

  4. This has probably been asked a million times, but how do people effectively memorize vocabulary? I used to use Anki, but as I kept going, the amount of vocab I had to memorize was getting overwhelming. And words that I used to know really well, I would forgot after not seeing them for a month. What really killed it was when I went on a week long cruise for my dad’s re-marriage. I didn’t have access to Anki for a week and when I came back, I had like 300 words to review at once. That’s when I fell off…

  5. Hello.

    I was reading the lyrics to a song:

    「あのね 私 実は気付いてるの
    ほら 君がいったこと。。。」

    My question is why hiragana is used in 「いった」 instead of 「言った」

    I see this frequently in books and songs like 「できます」と「出来ます」 but couldn’t find any answers online as to which ones is more correct?

    Is it for literary effect or convenience?

    Which is the more standard way to write?

    Thank you for your time.

  6. What are the best sites to get official light novels? I use the JP Bookwalker site, but it has its own reader that doesn’t allow easy copy-and-paste. Are there any other alternatives that easily do that? For context, I’m planning to read Oregairu

    Also, what are great ways to watch anime with JP subtitles? I’m trying to figure out how to watch “Teasing Master Takagi-san” and “Kubo-san won’t let me be invisible”

  7. what actually causes a word to develop a glottal stop like in 学科 compared to something like 奨学金? why wouldn’t this be/couldn’t this be しょうがっきん?

  8. Could I check my understanding of: 名目ということを置いといて捕らえなければいけないですし please. Here does it mean something like: The nominal (GDP) we must set aside and understand but…

    捕らえ here, is it the meaning in [definition 3](https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/word/%E6%8D%95%E3%81%88%E3%82%8B/#jn-160699): 物事の本質・内容などを理解して自分のものとする.

    The sentences:


    そうですね中学生の頃習った時は2位だったんですよね。でもまあ あの名目とは言え実質でも成長率は上がっていないというか 周りの国に比べても低いという状態にあるので、まあ低成長の日本という問題に関しては名目ということを置いといて捕らえなければいけないですし、やっぱり今株が上がっていますけど、とはいえ中小企業は全然儲かっていない状態ですから、実体経済を支えている中小企業への支援だったりというのは技術の面でもお金の面でも必要になってくるのかなというのはと思いますね。

    Source @ 3:34: [https://youtu.be/Lzkwe-uGQTg?si=eAYkfh83DgkiQE8w&t=214](https://youtu.be/Lzkwe-uGQTg?si=eAYkfh83DgkiQE8w&t=214)

  9. **ああ……やはり戦場で最後にモノを言うのは、頭脳と兵法ですわね。**
    **I read a novel and there’s 1 part which i’m not sure. Hope somebody could give me correct meaning in case i was wrong. My guess is : ” Ah… It’s true that in the end, it’s intelligence and strategy that prevail on the battlefield.”**
    **Context: A general’s monologue after she ambushed the bandits, when they’re coming out from a narrow mountain path. ( basically : “Oh why I’m so good” moment :D)**
    袁紹​「おーっほっほっほ!おーっほっほっほ! 大勝利、大勝利ですわ!」
    **「相手に全力を出させず、こちらは全力を出す。ああ……やはり戦場で最後にモノを言うのは、頭脳と兵法ですわね。​ おーっほっほ!おーっほっほっほ!」**

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