Kyoto school commute

Hi there, moving to Kyoto soon. I’ve found a nice place that is East of the Kamo river, about 30min walk to city center and 1hr20min walk to my university campus (Ritsumeikan), or 40~55min bus commute. The shortest public transport commute would be a x2 bus-hopping journey. This is according to Google Maps btw, in my experience I walk much faster than the time Google predicts lolol

Since I’ve never been to Kyoto before, I want to ask advice about the do-ability of a journey like this everyday to classes. Is travelling this far every day not a big deal, or is it likely to be awkward?

I’d been suggested to stay in Saiin or Enmachi by a few kind posters in a previous post, however haven’t had any luck with finding a place in either of those areas. The place I’ve been offered right now seems fine on paper as someone whose never been to Kyoto but would love to hear from anyone with a lived experience. Thank you very much and appreciate any advice, Cheers !

by raa0927

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